View San Ramon LGBTQ+ realtor profiles below and contact the agent of your choice for a free no obligation consultation on buying a home, selling a home, or relocation assistance.
As a gay REALTOR I know there have been great strides in recent years regarding our rights. That said there are still challenges we can face. Some of my clients are married, some are coupled and other are single. Let's sit down and have a discussion more
Eddie is a full-time real estate agent and mortgage loan officer serving Solano, Contra Costa, and Alameda counties. A Benicia, CA native, he has served his community as a volunteer with the Benicia Fire Department and as a paid firefighter with the Cordelia more
Chad is an Oregon-grown, California Real Estate Agent. Performing in the industry since 2017 Chad knows the home buying process is a journey and an adventure we all dream to one day take. Just like most journeys, the road ahead is unknown and the more
Sherri is passionate about real estate. She entered the real estate industry in 2005 as an investor, flipping homes after remodeling them. Today she is a realtor, serving the East Bay and the gay community around her. Sherri entered the Real Estate world more